Introducing The KindlED Empowerment Hub

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Plutarch was right.

“The mind is not a vessel to be filled but a fire to be kindled.”

We all want the young people in our lives to grow up to lead happy, successful, meaningful lives. 

However, despite generations of parents and teachers holding this general intention, according to statistics, few of us are hitting the “happy, successful, meaningful life” mark as adults. Research indicates that only 15% of people worldwide report being “very happy,” (a 50-year low in America). 40% of Americans struggle to pay basic household bills, and only 15-30 percent of employees say they find purpose and meaning or are passionate about their work. 

Things don’t look any rosier when you look at the youth population.

Suicide, depression, anxiety, illiteracy rates, bullying, and cheating are all rising, while motivation and engagement rates are reportedly falling. We also see alarmingly low national academic proficiency across subjects. ‍

We aren’t trying to paint a gloomy picture here, but you have to wonder — if so many of us aren’t happy, successful, or finding meaning in our lives and if large swaths of kids are clearly not alright, clearly something is off and has been off for several generations.

What are we doing to turn things around? Why haven’t we fixed this yet? 

Well, maybe we just haven’t known how. 

Enter, KindlED

The KindlED Community exists to increase the number of adults (teachers, guides, parents, coaches, pastors, etc.) who understand the art and science behind “kindling” a young person’s curiosity, motivation, love of learning, and overall well-being. 

We do this by:  

  • Connecting you with other like-minded people who share your passion for inspiring and equipping young people to live happy, successful, meaningful lives. 
  • Providing space to ask questions, share what you're learning, and get support from others 
  • Creating content that makes understanding the art and science of kindling easy to apply in a variety of settings and relationships 
  • Hosting live events where you can get real-time help from experts and community members 
  • Facilitating fun and engaging learning experiences where we can all grow together in our ability to show up for kids in powerful ways. 

It doesn't matter what stage you're at, you can be casually curious about ways you can come alongside kids more effectively, or you can be an experienced practitioner of student centered learning. We are here to support you every step of the way.

Who are we?

KindlED is “powered by” Prenda. We’ve helped over 1,000 individuals start microschools and nearly 10,000 kids rediscover a love of learning. We believe all the “magic” we have facilitated in Prenda microschools can be applied in any setting or relationship. These ideas can benefit a traditional classroom, a homeschool setting, a soccer team, or a religious community. The sky’s the limit! We want to share what we’ve learned and continue to learn alongside you. 

Welcome to KindlED!

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Check out our video series, KindlED Concepts

and much more found at the KindlED Empowerment Hub

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