A Prenda microschool at a kitchen table learning

Looking to enroll your student in a microschool?

There are three paths to finding a microschool or bringing Prenda to your community:

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Become a guide yourself

Prenda’s microschool management system and learning approach are intentionally designed to help you run a microschool whether you have education experience or not.

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of Prenda guides are also parents of Prenda students.

An image of a Prenda guide and her microschool

"I went to a Prenda info session and loved everything I heard but was unsure about leaving my job and pulling my kids from public school. I was nervous that I didn't have what it took to teach, and leaving the only system I knew seemed scary and crazy. We made the jump, and I started a microschool with my own two children and four additional learners. My students love coming to school every day so much that going home is the most challenging transition... I find that my life has slowed down to a pace where I can be present and enjoy every moment. Thank you to Prenda for offering this life-changing experience." -Heather, Prenda guide

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Invite a friend to guide

If guiding a microschool won’t work for you, consider inviting a friend to become a guide! Think about the people in your life that you want to have a strong influence on your kids. Tell them you think they'd be a great Prenda guide and point them our way!

Microschool Guide assisting female student on a computer
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Check the Map

Prenda takes a grassroots, organic approach to establishing microschools so there might not be a microshcool in your community (yet!) but together, we can fix that! 

Take a look at the map and see if there's a microschool near you or join one of our state-based Facebook groups to connect with guides in your area.

An image of Prenda locations across the United States

What is a microschool?

A microschool is a tight-knit community of about 5-10 learners that is led by an inspiring, caring adult we call a “guide.” Guides come from a wide range of backgrounds and operate microschools out of their homes or other flexible locations. Prenda provides each guide with training, support, and a student-centered K-8th curriculum that fosters engagement, curiosity, and academic growth.

A prenda microschool in front of a guides home
An image of two PDFs that show Guide Tools and Curriculum overviews

Get the details

Want a closer look at what Prenda offers?

Enter your email below to get access to Prenda’s curriculum overview, information about Prenda’s guide tools, and more.

Check out The Kindled Podcast

Looking to learn more about how to raise motivated, capable, hopeful kids?

Listen to this episode of the Kindled Podcast where we break down how the world we've built for kids isn't working for them and what we can do to fix it.

Listen In
A cover image of Episode 10 of the Kindled Podcast series. Title of the episode is The World We Create for Kids